New site!

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I’m back! After lots of work improving the theme and the implementation of my website, I’m getting back to regular blogging!

Most of the site looks pretty similar to how it did before, but there are some significant changes under the hood.

  • I’ve converted almost the entire site from my homebrew content management system (Modulo) to the static site generator Pelican, omitting only a few pages that that mostly involve dynamic content. I’ll keep the old site active until I get everything converted. This will make it a lot easier for me to write blog posts.
  • I switched web servers from CherryPy, which is designed for dynamic sites implemented in Python, to Caddy, which is designed for mostly-static sites. Caddy also provides an easy way to enable HTTPS, which is long overdue for my site.
  • I’ve converted the math in blog posts to use MathJax, which looks way cleaner than the LaTeX-generated images I used to have.
  • I have a new icon, a simple design with three circles that fits right in with the site’s theme.
  • The design is now responsive and adapts to mobile browsers better. This still needs some work but at least a lot of the pages should be basically readable on phones.
  • I have also put in a lot of work revamping the index page and the software listings, as well as my new bio page.

Any feedback you can offer about the design or broken links or anything would be much appreciated. Meanwhile, I will be posting things regularly and I hope we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other!

Follow me on Twitter too for additional updates.