A late arXiv Fool's!

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For the past few years I’ve been maintaining what may be the most comprehensive list of arXiv joke papers on the internet. It all started a few years ago with an answer on Academia Stack Exchange, and it’s become an annual tradition for myself and other Academia SE users to update the list with the new discoveries each year, after which I mirror the changes here on my website.

This year, just in time for it to not be April anymore, I’m pleased to share eighteen new papers being added to the list. Some were missed entries from previous years, but almost half of them are new to the arXiv, a very impressive showing. We’ve got a groundbreaking approach to achieving room temperature superconductivity, the extension of Godwin’s Law to the age of quantum computing, a progress report on the search for space vampires, and more. May they bring you much enjoyment!

Essential technology for finding space vampires
Essential technology for finding space vampires

If you know of any papers I’ve missed that should be added to the list, please let me know. I’d like to thank Mike Lund and E.P. for their contributions to this year’s list.