CTEQ summer school postmortem analysis
Posted by David Zaslavsky on — Edited
Only 3 weeks late (blame web server troubles), I figure it’s time for me to write a wrapup post about my experience at the CTEQ summer school. Of course, I’m not really sure what to write, other than that it was awesome. If you’re ever in a position to go, I highly recommend it.
As I mentioned in another post, the school is basically an opportunity to go listen to presentations on QCD from members of the CTEQ collaboration and guest speakers that they invite. This means that there are some pretty big names there. And there are plenty of chances to interact with them. We had four one-hour lectures each day (every speaker invariably begged to be interrupted with questions), plus mealtimes (everybody ate in the same dining hall), plus an evening “recitation” which was really just an open Q&A with the day’s speakers, plus a “night cap” a.k.a. the CTEQ Happy Hour ;-)
Of course, there was a lot of physics to be learned. Basically, the school was divided into two halves of four days each: the first half consisting of lectures covering the fundamentals of QCD and quantum field theory (the …